CHADO Huile Cristal (Nourishing Eyebrow Oil)


Nourishing oil which strengthens, nourishes and deeply hydrates the eyebrows.

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Nourishing oil for eyebrows made from PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica.

With its thick texture, castor oil and vitamin E — it strengthens, nourishes and deeply hydrates your eyebrows. The addition of Serenoa oil stimulates the growth of your hair.

The Huile Cristal strengthens your hair follicles, preventing breakage and thus leading to stronger, fuller brows. It’s specially suited for those with brows prone to breakage.

These sustainable cosmetic skincare products from CHADO are highly innovative from Switzerland with its main technology from patented apple stem cells. The product is meant to not just accentuate your look but also maintain your youth by giving you a rejuvenating look. The effect of Chado products is visible. It can help with eyelash and brow maintenance, enhancing their growth.


– Octyl palmitate : octyl palmitate derived from palm oil, is a soft and smoothing ester for your hair, with high emollient properties.
– Lipid active : guarantees quick drying, leaving your skin with a beautiful and silky texture.
– Castor oil : it is a thick and dense oil. Sharing properties similar to keratin, it is a protein naturally present in the skin. This oil hydrates and nourishes your hair follicles, nourishing them thoroughly.
– Hyaluronic filling spheres : only biotechnology of hyaluronic acid in the world to be liposoluble. Particularly the filling effect which make the hair young and thick. This is possible by the expansion of a particular fiber of silica dimethyl silylate covered with hyaluronic acid. Moreover, it enhances the hair hydration and has a filling and skin regenerating action.
– Vitamin E : excellent anti-oxidant which protects eyebrows from UV and pollution. Also has a hydrating and anti-inflammatory action.
– Serenoa oil : stimulates hair growth and acts as a filler for perfect eyebrows.
– PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica : a patented liposomal preparation of stem cells from the “”Uttwiler Spätlauber » apple (a rare Swiss species). These apple stem cells are rich with epigenetic and metabolical factors, which improve skin cells longevity.









Usage Method:

Delicately massage your eyebrows in the direction of hair growth with the ball for maximum penetration of the oil. For optimal results, use HUILE CRISTAL at night, alternating with LE SOIN DUO SPA. Applied on eyebrows after waxing/ plucking, this oil will sooth the treated zone and avoid redness. Kept in the refrigerator, its metal ball will immediately decongest and have a cooling effect when applied.

Thanks to its moisturizing properties, you can use it for the lips as well. You can also apply it on your pulse points as a perfume.

Chado is the first Swiss make-up/care brand. It was conceptualised in Geneva, where its creator, Sylvia ROSSEL, was born and lives today.

She leaves for New-York right after her hotel school and opens one of the first champagne bar. She then gets into cosmetics and develops several brands in the US market and the most beautiful places internationally. She comes back in Switzerland in 2008 to take on new challenges.

She loves Life’s beauties and enjoys discovering the world, always on the lookout for new ideas. But it is in Geneva that her best inspiration matures… Active mom and modern woman, her sight sets on to the eyebrow, which frames the look, gives balance to the face but is neglected, or, worse, mis-treated. She wants to offer a high-end, simple, natural solution. The concept grows!

She elaborates the concept and defines the brand’s philosophy.

Chado’s quest for simplicity and authenticity has led it to the most common fruit (in appearance): the apple. Eating fruits is healthy, we know it. The apple which accompanies the kid to school, invigorates the sportswoman after the action, quenches the thirst after the spa, appeases the need for snack of the active woman. The apple is the most obvious expression of health.

Looking into the benefits of the apple, we discovered one, particular, extraordinary: the Uttwiler Spätlauber. This ancient Swiss species, very rare, almost extinct, is known for its exceptional preservation ability. It can age without wrinkles nor loss of taste for months!

It contains rare substances and stem cells whose life cycles are particularly long. These active ingredients increase the vitality and the longevity of epidermal stem cells, slowing down their ageing. Contrary to human stem cells, almost every single plant stem cell can give birth to a whole new plant.

The PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica is born from this marvelous apple. It is an active liposomal substance based on stem cells from this wonderful species. Thanks to a new bio-technology, scientists have been able to create and cultivate these plant stem cells.

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